How Do Surrounding Gems Enhance the Overall Look of Halo Diamond Engagement Rings

How Do Surrounding Gems Enhance The Overall Look Of Halo Diamond Engagement Rings

Halo bands have become a popular choice. This is due to their dazzling beauty and the center diamond's size. It helps to create a distinction and reduces negative space. As a result, the overall band appears bigger. But how exactly do halo diamond engagement rings achieve this illusion? In this blog, let us look at how halo rings create the impression of a larger center stone.

Halo Engagement Rings

1) Extra Sparkle

The halo consists of tiny diamonds surrounding the center stone. This additional sparkle creates a denser light refraction. As a result, halo style engagement rings look brighter and more prominent.

2) Frame Effect of Hidden Halo Engagement Rings

The halo acts like a frame. It draws the eye towards the center diamond. This creates a sense of focus. It also makes the main stone seem larger in comparison to the surrounding area.

3) Contrast Play

The halo is typically made of clear diamonds. It creates a contrast with the center stone. This contrast emphasizes the size and brilliance of the main gem.

4) Hidden Basket Setting

Many hidden halo engagement rings feature a basket setting. It holds the center stone beneath the halo. This helps to hide the girdle. As a result, it contributes to the illusion of a larger stone.

5) Halo Style Engagement Rings Have Less Negative Space 

The halo fills in the negative space around the center diamond. This makes the overall coverage appear larger. It also creates the impression of a more significant stone.
Secret Halo Engagement Rings

6) Proportional Play

Halo sizes are chosen to complement the center stone. A properly proportioned one enhances the main diamond without overwhelming it. This helps in creating the illusion of additional size.

7) Shape Synergy

Certain gem shapes benefit more from halos. Round diamond halo rings see a major size increase. This is due to their smaller surface area compared to the halo.

8) Psychological Impact of Halo Diamond Engagement Rings

The human eye perceives a cluster of light as a larger object. The halo's sparkle with the center stone creates this effect. This enhances the perceived size of the diamond.

To wrap it up
These were some of the ways a halo can improve the overall look of the ring. Halo Diamond Engagement Rings create a stunning illusion. However, the center diamond's carat weight remains the same. It is also important to consider both the perceived size and the actual diamond quality. This can help you make the right choice when purchasing hidden halo engagement rings.

Halo Diamond Rings


1) Which diamond shapes benefit most from halos?

Absolutely! Halo settings flatter any diamond shape. However, round diamond halo rings experience the most perceived size. This is because these cuts have a smaller surface area compared to the halo. So, the contrast between the sparkling halo and the center stone is maximized. This creates a powerful optical illusion and makes the center diamond appear significantly larger.

2) Are halo rings more expensive than regular rings?

Halo rings can be a surprisingly budget-friendly choice! The key lies in the size of the diamonds used. A halo setting usually features smaller gems surrounding the center stone. These smaller stones add significant sparkle. But they cost less than a larger center diamond of the same quality. This allows you to create the illusion of a bigger gem without a significant price leap.

3) Are halo rings ever out of style?

Classic halo style engagement rings with a single row of surrounding diamonds are timeless. However, many trends are emerging from this concept. Double halos with two lines of diamonds or hidden ones where small gems envelop the basket are gaining popularity. The core design remains a favorite. However, the way halos are used can evolve with fashion.